5 Reasons Joining a Union is a Bright Idea for Electricians

10:10 AM, Oct 04, 2018
2:04 PM, Jun 12, 2019

Remember the days when you were back in school and everyone from your guidance counselor to your mom and dad urged you to “get involved” to boost your resume and your future? As it turns out, the same advice is relevant in adulthood, particularly when it comes to boosting your career. With a career in electrical work comes the opportunity to join an electrical union and reap a number of benefits that will aid you in the years to come. Here are five reasons to “join the club,” and why doing so will mean a better future in the growing field of electricity.

1. Opportunities for Better Training and Apprenticeships

If you’re just entering a career in electricity, congratulations – you have made an excellent choice for your future. Joining a union is a terrific idea for young electricians because a union can offer exceptional on-the-job training and apprenticeships that will give you an edge in the industry.

2. It Adds to Your Credibility in the Eyes of Customers

Just as it is with any other professional career, from higher education to medicine, a person who is well-connected to their craft is a more valuable employee. Being a member of an electrical union will reassure your customers that you take your work seriously and want to remain relevant among your peers.

3. A Front Row Seat to a Changing Industry 

It’s no secret that the world of electricity is changing rapidly. New energy sources and the evolution of traditional infrastructure mean that continuing education in the field is important to any serious and successful electrician. Joining a union means staying ahead of the learning curve and understanding how best to serve and thrive in this transitioning industry.

4. A Community of Like-minded Individuals

Going to a neighborhood picnic or a cocktail party with your spouse is great for light-hearted conversation about work, but when you’re craving more than small talk about what you do for a living, turn to your colleagues in the electrical union. There’s nothing like being around folks who can share your triumphs, have your back and offer real advice for the road ahead.

5. Better Wages and Benefits

Being an electrician is not without its dangers, and joining an electrical union can guarantee that you’ll receive not only the compensation that you deserve for the work you do but also adequate health benefits to cover you and your family. Furthermore, finding customers through the union means always receiving a fair wage, including overtime and time off. In fact, you can make as much as two to three times what you made on your own.

Interested in learning more about how joining a union is the right choice for your career in electricity? Visit the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers website at IBEW.org.


International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Local Union 278

2301 Saratoga

Corpus Christi, TX 78417


Who We Are

Local 278 is a part of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) represents approximately 725,000 members who work in a wide variety of fields, including utilities, construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads and government. The IBEW has members in both the United States and Canada and stands out among the American unions in the AFL-CIO because it is among the largest and has members in so many skilled occupations.

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