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Can you think of a better way to celebrate National Burrito Day than wrapping yourself in deliciousness


On a day meant to celebrate eating tasty food tucked into a tortilla, you can do the same for yourself on a grander scale thanks to a couple of innovative inventions.

On National Burrito Day, you can indulge your Mexican food fix by indulging in one of life’s simpler pleasures.

And now, you can tuck yourself into a tasty-looking blanket that has gone viral.

Twitter users have posted pictures of the new burrito blanket.

The blanket looks like a delicious giant tortilla. And users can roll themselves up into a warm, snuggly human burrito by using it. Pets and partners are optional additions.

The product can be purchased from Zen Life, which is retailing the product for $44.95 on its official website.

The new improved Burrito Blanket is current available for puchase via several digital sources. (Burrito Blanket by Zen Life)

It’s also available onAmazon, but is currently sold out. And Cosmopolitan has found a similar blanket onEtsy for $40.59.

So, not only can you wrap yourself up like a burrito, but you can also eat one.

Is it possible to think of a better way to celebrate National Burrito Day?